Saturday, January 5, 2008

"Live Free or Die"

... Is the motto of the state I just entered last night: New Hampshire, which holds the first-in-the-nation primary this Tuesday, January 8th. And you can see it all around you: Unlike Iowa, campaigns are permitted to put up signs on public roads, so the landscape driving from Manchester to my hotel was huge piles of snow with signs sticking out of them.

However, the difference I immediately sensed in landscape is just a reflection on the difference in voter attitudes between Iowa and New Hampshire. Iowa is very heavily Evangelical, and they play a huge role in the Iowa Caucus, which Mike Huckabee benefited very heavily from in his victory. This is not the case in New Hampshire, whose primary is decided and dominated by independents and libertarians. For instance, gun control is a big issue here.

Also, there are simply the geographical differences -- Iowa is obviously in the Midwest, while New Hampshire is in Northeast. Personalities and ways of life are obviously quite different.

So it is going to be fun being here in New Hampshire, one of the few states I have never been to on the East Coast. Its actually surprising I have never been here considering my dad worked for a pro-life Senator from New Hampshire for a number of years back in Washington.

Tonight, ABC News and Facebook will be sponsoring a presidential debate. We'll be on scene at one of the candidate's debate-watch parties. Find out the details tonight :)

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