Saturday, December 29, 2007

Finally in Iowa! Day One a Success at a Rudy Event

Countdown to the Iowa Caucuses: 5 Days

After a plane cancellation and an overnight stay in Atlanta, I finally made it to Iowa! Thanks to all my friends here in Iowa for the great advice before I left: "Bring an extra jacket!" They were right... Its freeeezing here!

However, the 21 degree weather (11 degrees with the wind chill) did not stop the Schilling family from joining me to protest Planned Parenthood outside a Rudy Giuliani event in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. The Schillings are an awesome pro-life family of 11 from the Quad Cities. We'll hear more in a post from the oldest of 9 children, Terry, on how he became a full-scale pro-life activist.

Our first protest was a huge success -- we got rid of a ton of fliers and the reception was great. We got lots of "keep up the good work comments," many more then the usual snide comments we got tonight. After being photographed by several photographers, we did media interviews with CBS and Newsday. We were right on message: We were protesting Planned Parenthood to educate voters about their crimes and to encourage Rudy Giuliani to investigate Planned Parenthood if elected president.

We got another big protest coming up tomorrow, so stay tuned for more!

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