Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Challenge

Today, we took a long drive out to Vinton, Iowa (population 5,000) for a Hillary Clinton for President event. It was a little bit chillier today, at about 18 degrees.
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As expected, our efforts to expose the crimes of Planned Parenthood were met with hostility. As soon as attendees read the headline of our flier, many immediately tried to hand it back to us. So we challenged them: "I challenge you to read it and then tell me what you think." However, nobody accepted our challenge, and many fliers were crumpled up or thrown to the ground.

However, I do not think we failed in our mission to educate, as many attendees took the flier in with them. Many put it in their jacket or purse, and had to face it eventually. And certainly, thoughts of abortion and Planned Parenthood instantly became at the forefront of people's minds as they walked into the event. Its important that the voters of Iowa, who carry so much weight and responsibility and carry so much pride in having the "first in the nation" say in who our next president is, think about a critical issue that destroys the lives of women and their babies.

Have any suggestions for us? Email us at plannedparenthoodwatch[at]

Tomorrow we'll be working with a new group of local activists to protest Planned Parenthood, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Mike Moehlenhof said...

You folks need to go to Ankeny, Iowa. They opened a new Planned Parenthood there, so protest like hell!!